
NAME: "Chey" Cheyenne

DOB: 01. 31. 2000

SPECIE: M. mephitis (American Skunk)

ORIGIN: Central Texas

Since you're on this page, you may want to know a bit about me. I'm a lesbian furry artist from Texas, my mother used to brag to my friends that I've been a furry since I was 7 years old. I used to jump out of my skin at her saying that, but it's actually pretty funny now. I'd say I'm a pretty lax and humorous person, but I'm a bit shy so people might think I'm disinterested at first.

The first major internet memory I have is about 2005, when youtube launched. My mom beckoned me over to my grandmother's old white monitor, and showed me a video of an old man with loose skin pulling it over his nose and making silly faces. Then another video, this time of an old couple playing a tune on hollowed out carrots and gourds. You could say it was just downhill from there...

My first artistic love was animals, namely wolves and cats. From that came furries, then humans and little grey aliens. I hope to grow my ever expanding repitoire of cringe subjects. Feel free to help me by commissioning me some insane shit you wouldn't dare show to your irls.

This website is just the beginning of my journey into really diving into coding, look forward to my further webmaster efforts!

last updated 5.8.2023